
Monday 29 July 2019

Filming Take : 1

WALT: filming with each other.

My Recount
Last week on Friday my class and I had a fun literacy lesson, we had started filming in groups. In my filming group, the member's names are Dakota, Isaac, Kauri, Breeana and Me. The members in my group had decided to base it on the IHAHA Origins ( IHAKA is Isaac getting hurt ) because Isaac thought it was a great idea for our first video and we thought it would be funny. After about 45 minutes of taking videos, we all went back into the class to upload the videos to our Chromebooks to edit it. Miss Fleet my teacher gave us a link to edit our videos. The link was called it was a great editing app, I could add music and animation it was great. After that, we all shared our Mahi to everyone in the class.