
Wednesday 16 October 2019

My New Holes Book Cover

Creating a new book cover for Holes

Tuesday 15 October 2019


WALT: identify 2D polygons.


Monday 14 October 2019

Holes Summary

WALT: introduce the novel that we've chosen and our literacy goals for this term.

This term I've decided to read Holes for literacy this term. The Author of holes is written by Louis Sachar, who has written many more amazing books for kids. Breeana,, Lyric Rachna and Aneika are also reading this book with me. This term my goal is to finish this book within 5-6 weeks and to write 4 summaries. 

Tuesday 17 September 2019

What is Climate Change

WALT: summerize the text in our own words 

Sunday 15 September 2019

What Is Climate Change

WALT: summerize the text in our own words.

Sunday 1 September 2019

What is a variable

WALT: use BEDMAS to solve algebraic equations.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

What is film making

WALT: summerize the text in our own words.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

What is film making

WALT: summerize the text in our own words.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Order Of Operations

WALT: solve algebraic equations 

Tuesday 13 August 2019

The Land In Mangere

WALT: summerize the text in our own words


Monday 29 July 2019

Filming Take : 1

WALT: filming with each other.

My Recount
Last week on Friday my class and I had a fun literacy lesson, we had started filming in groups. In my filming group, the member's names are Dakota, Isaac, Kauri, Breeana and Me. The members in my group had decided to base it on the IHAHA Origins ( IHAKA is Isaac getting hurt ) because Isaac thought it was a great idea for our first video and we thought it would be funny. After about 45 minutes of taking videos, we all went back into the class to upload the videos to our Chromebooks to edit it. Miss Fleet my teacher gave us a link to edit our videos. The link was called it was a great editing app, I could add music and animation it was great. After that, we all shared our Mahi to everyone in the class. 

Wednesday 26 June 2019

The brain

WALT: think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information.  

Reflection: For the last 2 weeks we have been reading different texts and summarising them. We have been reading about the brain, the solar system, and dream catchers. We have created 2 objects a brain showing all the different departments of the brain in color and we are also starting to make a dream catcher I am making a dream catcher with 2 of my friends Breeana and Lyric so far it has been fun making them. I enjoyed learning about all the different parts of the brain and also about the solar system. I didn't like that there was so much work to do

Monday 10 June 2019

Squaring whole numbers

WALT: Square whole numbers.

Reflection: today my class and I had to fill out a slide and make a poster about squaring whole numbers. I worked with my friend Breeana. The thing I liked most about today's math work was making the poster it was fun to create with my friend Breeana and the thing I didn't like was working on the slide with Breeana because some of it was confusing.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Egg Experiment.

WALT: Make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Refection: On Monday my class and I, we had started an experiment that would make an egg into a bouncy egg. The process was we had to grab an egg and place it in a jar then we had to pour white vinegar making sure that the egg is covered then we had to place the cap on top and leave it for about 4 days and rise before it bounces.
 The ingredients we needed were a jar, an egg, white vinegar and water.
The changes I saw were that the eggshell was slowly disappearing and the egg was enlargening.
    The things I enjoyed doing were taking the egg out of the jar and rinsing it off with water and feeling how rubbery it was, next time I do this experiment I think I would open the jar one day earlier. 

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Show the school values during team building

WALT : show our school values during team building

Reflection :  today we had to make a catapult made of marshmallows, a rubber band, skewers and tape. The values that we needed in this activity are probably unity for working as a team communication so we don't miss any ideas and kindness so every one can have fun.
We had 2 goes at making the catapult and I think that the second time round after watching a video on how to  make one was much much easier. 
The one thing that I felt was the most fun part of the activity was building it with friends.    

Monday 27 May 2019

Team building

WALT : show our school values during team building.

Refection : so far this week we have been doing team building, on Monday we had to write all the values that we would use in team building. Unity for working as a team, Resilience for never giving up and trying again no matter what. Today we had to make the tallest tower only using toothpicks and mini marshmallows. I found it hard to build because it wasn't always stable as well as not being able to eat the marshmallows, the only part that was easy was to eat the marshmallows at the end. 

Thursday 16 May 2019

The Human Heart

WALT : research and learn about the human heart.


Reflection : This week I learnt so much about the heart I feel like my heart is about to explode of awesome info on the heart. I felt that the screen casting was hard  because I did about 15 times before I did a good enough one to present on my google slide.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

The digestive system.

WALT : think critically about texts and respond accordingly.  

 Reflection : This week my class and I we had to read two texts. The first one we had read was about the digestive system and how it works, then we had to read a recount by Ted Alvarez when him and his friend were in the forest and had no food and had to eat mice. ( I felt disgusted to hear that they had to eat mice ). This week I enjoyed learning about the digestive system and how it works, but the one thing I think I should work on is to try not to get distracted easily and not to muck around.

Thursday 2 May 2019

The Skeletal System

WALT : think critically about texts and respond accordingly  
Refection : I felt that the topic the teacher chose was very interesting to learn about.

Monday 1 April 2019

Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.

WALT : Write simple compound and complex sentences.

I found this slide fun to create, now I can do better in my writing.
what I found hard was I was getting mixed up with the FANBOYS and the I SAW A WABUB because now and then, when I had to write a complex sentence I would write a compound sentence instead.

Treaty of Waitangi slide.

WALT : Research Waitangi and put it on a side to show our working.


 Refection : Next time I will need to work on gathering more info to putting it on my slide.